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Valuation in Ukraine


We make expert evaluation of almost all types of property, with a few exceptions:

  • We do not evaluate objects that represent cultural value (antiques).
  • We do not determine the cost of transport damaged as a result of an accident.
  • Do not calculate damage from flooding or fire.

All clients who come to us for an evaluation of damage (especially in Kyiv), we advise you to contact the forensic experts and accordingly do not carry out an evaluation of the property, but its examination (or study of a forensic expert).

Brief information of evaluation in Kyiv

Evaluation of houses and garages for individuals

In the absolute majority of cases, the determination of the market value of apartments, houses, garages or land plot arises when they are sold or gifted. The valuer’s report is required by a notary to determine the amount of mandatory payments when processing a sale transaction. In this case, the report is subject to a mandatory registration procedure in the database of the State Property Fund of Ukraine for the purpose of fighting against understated evaluation. This type of work is also called «tax evaluation», «evaluation for tax purposes» or «evaluation for notary».

The second most common case where our service is needed to determine the cost is for appealing to the court. The evaluation for the court may be purely «technical» in nature, for example, when the property right is formalized through a court decision, if for some reason the documents can not formalize this right with the help of a notary. Also, the cases of needing the service of an evaluator in property disputes, for example, valuation of real estate when divorcing spouses happens pretty often.

We also want to draw your attention that the table shows approximate prices and terms of providing services. This is due to the fact that the cost and time of carrying out an expert evaluation of real estate in Kyiv depends on a large number of factors, including the purpose for which each specific work is carried out. For example, the process of determining the market value of an apartment in the residential area of Kyiv in a typical multi-storey building from the point of view of the evaluator is much simpler compared to, for example, with the evaluation of an apartment in a residential building which only has few floors which was built in the first half or mid-twentieth century (a large number of such houses remained in particular in the neighborhood of Sotsmisto, near to the metro station Chernigivska).

Other than real estate

If it is necessary to determine the value of an non-residential premise or building belonging to a individual or legal entity for sale or for presentation in court, the procedure differs little from that described above.

The special place is taken by evaluation of communal property in Kyiv for rent. This work has many nuances, so we dedicated a separate section of our site.

What is the difference between evaluation and expertise

Many clients do not understand the difference between evaluation and expertise and between evaluator and expert. They do not know which document they need (evaluation report or expert conclusions) in a given situation and who to contact (to expert or to evaluator). Let’s break down the points:

  • Expert (independent) valuation – the process of determining market value. Regulated by the Law of Ukraine “About property valuation, property rights and professional valuation activities”. The State Property Fund of Ukraine regulates evaluation activities.
  • Independent evaluator – certified (licensed) professional who performs the valuation of real estate and other items for which he has authorization documents to determine the value (qualification certificates).
  • Forensic examination – study of various tangible and intangible objects. Unlike the valuation may concern not only the determination of value, but any other questions that are posed to the expert: the condition of the property, its suitability, the possibility of further exploitation, etc. Regulated by Law of Ukraine “About forensic expertise”. The Ministry of Justice regulates the activities of forensic experts. Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise is the most authoritative state institution in the industry, but the performing of the ordered work there will take too much time due to objectively large workload of employees.
  • Forensic expert – certified (licensed) specialist who conducts an examination or research. Not everyone knows that forensic experts (regardless of their name) are provide services not only in the context of judicial proceedings, but also to the order of interested parties, just such work is not called an examination, but a research.

Evaluation in Ukraine

Depending on the purpose for which an independent evaluation is conducted, there are three main areas of activity for an evaluator:

  1. Valuation of real estate for tax purposes. This is the most common and easy job for an evaluator. The purpose of this is to determine the value of real estate for a notary. This service is needed for sale, gifting, or inheritance of real estate objects.

  2. Determination of the value of various property for use in judicial proceedings. This activity requires more qualified specialists than tax evaluation. The quality of the documents often plays a major role in the result of the case. But the opponents in court will try to look for all possible reasons to prove that the property valuation was carried out substandard. That’s why the work for presenting in court must be done perfect to give them no chance.

  3. Valuation for accounting and tax purposes. There is also a specific feature. The specialists who often perform valuations of fixed assets should not only be knowledgeable about asset valuation. But also have knowledge of accounting and tax records. If the evaluator who performs the work will communicate with the accountant in “one language”, then the work will be done quickly and with the best quality.

Tax evaluation

Notarial office next to the valuator’s office

The tax valuation for notaries is almost identical for all common types of real estate:

Valuation of residential real estate for a notary in most cases costs around 1500 UAH and is done in one day. Do not forget that when selling a house with land plot the notary will need two documents from the valuator: one on the land plot, the other on the house (building).

If we are talking about non-residential real estate, then here the price of the service is determined individually depending on the characteristics of a particular object. Our evaluators will advise and try to offer you the most advantageous terms of cooperation after they understand the features of the work.

Documents for the tax valuation of real estate

It is very simple. For preparation of documents for notarial registration of real estate the evaluator will ask you for the following documents (copies or photos):

  1. Ownership. The principal document on the basis of which a property belongs to a person. It can be a contract of sale or gift, certificate of ownership, less often a court decision. Also suitable for drawing from the register of ownership rights to real estate.
  2. Technical passport. This document is often not needed by the notary under new rules. Therefore, if you have a technical certificate the appraiser will ask for it to do the work with the highest quality. Sometimes in the technical passport and the law establishing the document total area of housing, although not significant, but different. Therefore, if the notary requires a technical certificate from you, it should be made before the valuation and provided to the appraiser. If there is no certificate, it is necessary to clarify with the notary whether it is necessary in this case when reprocessing the property. If the notary does not need this document, our appraisers will handle most of their work without it.
  3. Customer’s documents. Not many people are aware that the law requires that only a person with a relationship to the property can be the client of an appraisal. Also and therefore when recording tax estimates in the state register, the appraiser is obliged to enter customer data. It can be a series and passport number or the identification code of the tax payer. In addition, if the documents are drawn up for inheritance, we will ask you to provide documents confirming the authority of the heir. It can be a will or documents proving family ties (birth certificate, marriage, change of surname). It is also possible to use a document from the notary that he has an open inheritance.

In general, the situation with the execution of appraisers work to be presented to a notary is quite simple. You provide the above copies or photos of documents and have a completed evaluation in hand the next day.

Judicial evaluation

the Registry of the Court

Unlike tax valuation, the preparation of documents for court requires more formal approaches and a few different procedures. Most often property valuation is needed during the matrimonial judicial process, if the parties cannot agree on sharing of the property jointly acquired.

It should be clarified that formally such a concept as «judicial appraiser» does not exist. It is the same person who does other work, for example, for a notary or an accountant. We have introduced this term on the site simply to make it easier for you to understand the difference between tax valuation and court valuation approaches.

Most often the subject of court disputes are objects of residential real estate (apartments, houses, land plots) and vehicles (cars).

Valuation of real estate for use in court

The special feature of this type of work is that there are no common approaches to it. Every case can be different. The easiest option from the point of view of the evaluator is the following. The dispute is about the apartment, the customer on documents is its co-owner, documents in his hands «on hands», access for inspection can be provided.

Unfortunately, such situations do not always arise. Often the customer does not have documents for real estate for various reasons. For example, they are stored by the other party and it does not provide them. Or the same other party does not give the appraiser the opportunity to inspect the apartment to determine its market value taking into account the technical condition. Sometimes the plaintiff has no connection with the property: neither in terms of documents nor access to the object.

Such cases are not rare. And each of them has its own approach to problem situations. During the years of practical work our appraisers have gained considerable experience in legally competent preparation of documents for court. Our ratings for the trial do not elicit reasonable criticism from your opponents. Also the suspicion of the court about the poor quality of work and low professional level of the appraiser.

When preparing documents for legal proceedings, in particular for the division of property of spouses, the experience of an appraiser to carry out precisely such types of work is paramount. If the valuation company specializes mainly in preparing documents for a notary, then its specialists are unlikely to be able to perform quality valuation for the court. Please note this when selecting the evaluators!

Determining the cost of a car for a ship

The car valuation for the court is characterized by more «pitfalls» than real estate. So the vehicle of the other party either does not provide for inspection or does not give a certificate of registration for the car. In addition, there are not rare cases that by the date of the case in court car has already sold. Because unlike real estate when selling a vehicle the mandatory written consent of the spouse to this procedure is not needed.

Thus, each particular court case requires that the appraiser take into account all circumstances related to the disputed property. So we approach each job individually.

Sometimes it happens that for some work is not taken and we rationally advise customers to contact their colleagues forensic. Call us! We will dive into the situation and either prepare all the documents or try to advise alternative solutions.

«Accounting» valuation

Accounting folders

By «accountant» valuator we mean a specialist who specializes in performing asset valuations for the correct keeping of accounting and tax records. The main feature of such works is that groups of fixed assets or other assets which are subject to revaluation may be very diverse. From vehicles, real estate and equipment to inventories or biological assets.

It is clear that there are significant differences in the methods and approaches used to determine fair value of assets, depending on the asset group. Therefore, the procedure for performing valuations of fixed assets or other equipment is as follows.

We will wait for your accounting list of assets that need to be revaluated. In the list, it is important to indicate the initial cost and date of commissioning for each major product. Our evaluators study the list, ask a number of questions to fully understand the task and determine the amount of work.

We will then try to offer you the most advantageous terms of cooperation compared with competitors.

When the evaluation reaches the final stage, we send the results of the value obtained for approval. Given that assets can be specific, there are sometimes situations when the accountant does not agree with the estimated value on one or another position. We always have a dialogue before we can fully resolve all issues.

After the results of the evaluation have been agreed, we only need to submit the prepared documents to the accounting department. 🙂

Have any questions?

Evaluation is often required in unusual situations. It is clear that all such issues are not covered on the site. Therefore we offer the most logical from our point of view option. Just contact with us! We don’t have secretaries answering our calls, only professional appraisers. Each of us will respond to all your questions.

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